Album: The Gasoline Age
Artist: East River Pipe
Year: 1999
This is my 7th post and I guess this is an alternative band... its raining today and there is no end in sight. Let's break it down
1. Shiny, Shiny Pimpmobile
Great title. The song starts slow but it break into a nice electronic / acoustic verse. This song is three minutes and forty-one seconds long, but it goes by fast and its very repetitive, but overall a nice listen. I guess that's all I have to say about this opening
2. Hell is an Open Door
Its certainly is. Anyway, this song grabs your attention with a little guitar into which builds right up into the verse. It almost has a britpop sound, repetitive lyrics and soaring vocal harmonies. This definitely lacks the radio appeal of Oasis or Coldplay but it has its own strengths. This Cornog guy really knows how to make a song seem a lot shorter than it actually is.
3. Cybercar
This is a ballad of love for a Cybercar. Which... from which I can gather is a car that is able to drive into the sun. So its a car that can fly in interplanetary space. Its interesting to say the least. Solid track
4. Wholesale Lies
Not a whole lot to say about this one, its good, worth a listen.
5. My Little Rainbow
This song is melancholy on a record that kind of gives me the feeling of overcast skies in general. For being pretty simple, these songs are good. There's nothing really fancy about them, they just go one after another and each one leaves a generally good impression on me, so far.
6. Party Drive
This one has a cool introduction. Warm and cold chords dominate the mood. "A joint for me / a pill for you." This is an awesome party. Its pretty slow but it has some cool sounds in it.
7. King of Nothing Never
I like the title a lot, the song itself is pretty repetitive (not unlike the others) but this one seems to drag a bit more. There's some cool guitar work in here though, so don't skip it.
8. 14th Street Boys Stolen Car Club
This song takes you by surprise... the piano is good, and the vocal melody is fantastic. I think this song could be longer and better, but its already pretty good... so don't fix what's not broke I guess.
9. All You Little Suckers
Here we are with a return to form on All You Little Suckers. This song has got a catchy verse, and an even better chorus. This is definitely a standout track, listen to this one for sure.
10. Astrofarm
This song sounds like the rest, but its not nearly as good. There is some neat guitar stuff, but its not enough to hold my attention.
11. Down 42nd Street to the Light
The opening here is different from the rest, but it moves right into bouncy guitar. I like the vocal melody... and the lyrics are pretty good as well. I'm going to pick this song to represent the album... I like it. Listen.
12. Atlantic City (Gonna Make a Million Tonight)
Ethereal sounds here. Sounds like floating and dark clouds and street lights. I think this is another one of those long drive songs... but you'd have to be careful you don't go to sleep. This song has a relaxed, laid back atmosphere despite the supposed subject matter... "I talk to Jesus / but he won't forgive." Definitely a feeling of being forsaken. Weighing in at nine minutes and forty-three seconds this is the longest. "Baby I was your curse / yeah I was your curse." I hate to quote AFI but Cornog is definitely "singing the sorrow" here. This song is all atmosphere, the last few minutes are just noises... and it really isn't that interesting. So you could skip it if you want. The song is over. Definitely a good track overall, though.
13. Don't Hurry
Another waltz! I really wasn't expecting that. A slow waltz. After the last track I was hoping for something a little upbeat but this is just as slow and sad. A lot shorter, though.
Closing Remarks:
I don't know much about this band besides they have a lot more material besides just this... and I think rather than being a group, East River Pipe just refers to just a guy... Cornog is his name. Kind of like Bright Eyes and Conor Oberst... they are kind of synonymous but not really.